Logo da Stellantis

Agile Implementation Engineer


  • Brasil, , BR
      Brasil, , BR
  • De segunda à sexta, das 8h às 18h com 2h de almoço
  • Profissional

    Efetivo – CLT

Descrição e Responsabilidades

Job Description and Responsibilities Include:?

Facilitate PI planning sessions and manage PI plans within RTC tools.?

Champion agile methodologies and configure RTC tools to support agile practices.?

Assist teams in task planning, management, and dependency coordination.?

Track and manage software deliverables, timelines, and release plans.?

Define and track KPIs using RTC tools to measure team performance and project health.?

Continuously assess and optimize the software delivery process using RTC tools.?

Manage user access, roles, and permissions within RTC tools.?

Perform regular maintenance, updates, and backups of RTC tools.?

Foster collaboration and communication among teams using RTC tools.?

Act as a liaison between development teams, management, and other departments.?

Understand digital key certification requirements and processes to effectively manage related tasks and dependencies within RTC tools.?

Collaborate with the Digital Key Certification Engineer to ensure alignment between RTC tool management and certification activities.?

Integrate knowledge of vehicle ECU architectures, microcontrollers, and SOC within the context of digital key systems to effectively plan and track related tasks in RTC tools.?

Incorporate understanding of BLE and UWB technologies, as well as CAN and Ethernet vehicle communication protocols, to manage digital key-related projects and deliverables within RTC tools.?

Apply familiarity with cybersecurity concepts and cloud transactions to ensure appropriate task planning and tracking for digital key system development and certification.?

IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC) is an Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) tool that provides a collaborative environment for agile software development teams to plan, track, and manage tasks, deliverables, and projects throughout the software development lifecycle.


Basic Qualifications:?

Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field.?

Experience in agile project management or application lifecycle management (ALM).?

Proficiency in using IBM Rational Team Concert (RTC) for project management and collaboration.?

Understanding of agile methodologies and software development lifecycle.?

Strong organizational and communication skills.?

Ability to lead and coordinate cross-functional teams.?


Preferred Qualifications:?

Master's degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or a related field.?

Solid experience in agile project management or ALM in the automotive industry.?

Expertise in configuring and customizing RTC for agile ceremonies, artifacts, and workflows.?

Knowledge of automotive software development processes and challenges.?

Experience with integrating RTC with other tools in the software development ecosystem.?

Strong leadership, mentoring, and conflict resolution skills.


Informado na entrevista

Informações adicionais

Área de atuação


Sobre a empresa

Stellantis é uma das principais fabricantes mundiais de automóveis e fornecedora de mobilidade, presente em todos os continentes, com fábricas em 30 países e operação em 150 mercados comerciais.

Somos o encontro de pessoas e 14 marcas icônicas, incluindo Abarth, Citroën, Fiat, Jeep, Peugeot, Ram e outras.

Impulsionados pela nossa diversidade, lideramos a forma como o mundo se move, desenvolvendo novas soluções para a mobilidade do futuro em uma jornada de inovação diversa e colaborativa.

Acolhemos candidaturas de pessoas de todas as identidades de gênero, idade, etnia, nacionalidade, religião, orientação sexual e deficiência. Equipes diversas nos permitirão responder melhor às necessidades emergentes dos nossos clientes e cuidar do nosso futuro.

Código: 76850

Data de Cadastro: 2024-05-13

Data de Atualização: 2024-05-16

  • Código: 76850
  • Data de Cadastro: 2024-05-13
  • Data de Atualização: 2024-05-16