Logo da Stellantis

App Software Engineer


  • Brasil, , BR
      Brasil, , BR
  • De segunda à sexta, das 8h às 18h com 2h de almoço
  • Profissional

    Efetivo – CLT

Descrição e Responsabilidades

Job Description:

Build your brand. Tell your story. Take advantage of a rare opportunity to start from the ground up and build something great. We are looking for technology game changers to lead Stellantis into a fundamental transformation within the automotive industry. Technology is going to disrupt the automotive industry significantly in the next decade and our organization is seeking high potential candidates to transform the company with a focus on the customer experience.

Stellantis’ Software Organization (SWx) was established to build the most captivating experiences in the latest frontier of Automotive Technology.

As part of that foundation, we are seeking passionate engineers to execute the porting of application software features from legacy controllers to the next generation vehicle controller. These software features will cover all major domains like autonomous driving, body, powertrain and infotainment. Once the features are ported you will be responsible for all future development and innovation related to these features. You will be able to shape the future of mobility.

Ensuring and maintaining the highest quality and developing according to safety and quality standards are a fundamental part of your daily work.

You will be part of a global SW driven engineering organization with a modern state of the art agile culture. Collaboration is key.


Basic Qualifications:

Degree in mechatronics, automotive engineering, robotics, computer science, electrical engineering or comparable education

Embedded software development experience

Experiences in the development of vehicle features in at least one domain

Familiarity of Automotive Product Development Process like ASPICE and ISO26262

Analytical & interdisciplinary thinking, problem solving skills

Self-motivated and drive for results

Self-reliant, well-structured and organized working style

Good communication skills and the ability to interface with internal stakeholders

Good team working skills in an international environment

Preferred Qualifications:

Experience in model based development with e.g. Matlab/Simulink

Experience with authoring ASIL compliant software code

Experience working within an Agile development process

Familiarity with AUTOSAR (Classic & Adaptive) concepts, architecture, specifications and configuration tools


Informado na entrevista

Informações adicionais

Área de atuação


Sobre a empresa

Stellantis é uma das principais fabricantes mundiais de automóveis e fornecedora de mobilidade, presente em todos os continentes, com fábricas em 30 países e operação em 150 mercados comerciais.

Somos o encontro de pessoas e 14 marcas icônicas, incluindo Abarth, Citroën, Fiat, Jeep, Peugeot, Ram e outras.

Impulsionados pela nossa diversidade, lideramos a forma como o mundo se move, desenvolvendo novas soluções para a mobilidade do futuro em uma jornada de inovação diversa e colaborativa.

Acolhemos candidaturas de pessoas de todas as identidades de gênero, idade, etnia, nacionalidade, religião, orientação sexual e deficiência. Equipes diversas nos permitirão responder melhor às necessidades emergentes dos nossos clientes e cuidar do nosso futuro.

Código: 76860

Data de Cadastro: 2024-05-13

Data de Atualização: 2024-05-16

  • Código: 76860
  • Data de Cadastro: 2024-05-13
  • Data de Atualização: 2024-05-16